your transport guide

Everything you need to know to travel
around the Bay of Arcachon and Val de l'Eyre

Pays Barval

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Your journeys

MOBI, your transport guide, provides practical tools to help organise your journeys in the Bay of Arcachon-Val de l'Eyre area.
Discover all the alternatives to private cars in one site.

Download the MOBI map

(Document PDF, 2.9 Mo)

Plan your journey

Calculate your route quickly and easily using the form below

Modes of transport

Find all the practical information you need to travel around Bay of Arcachon-Val de l'Eyre (maps, times, fares, etc.).

Latest news

Keep up to date with the latest news (new services, repair work, special offers, events, etc.).

22 july 2024
15 july 2024

Alternatives for all your journeys

MOBI presents the area's numerous services and transport infrastructure.

3 456 km de pistes cyclables


km of cycle


electric car
recharging stations


ride sharing
car parks


local railway

Travel green

MOBI provides lots of tips, initiatives and examples of good practice to help reduce the environmental impact of your journeys.