
Different tools are available to answer all your questions about different modes of transport or about this MOBI Internet site itself. Contact us using the form below. You can also get information from MOBI by going to an information point or clicking on the useful links to the different organisations offering travel solutions in the area.

Contact form

* Essential fields

Information points

The map of the area opposite shows the location of the various transport-related information points, named Points Info MOBI.

Voir en plein écran

For a detailed list with full information (address, telephone number, opening hours), open this document

Useful links

COBAS: Baïa network

COBAS: Baïa network

  • Tel.: +33(0) 800 100 937 (Monday to Friday 8am to 12.30pm and 2pm to 6pm and Saturday 8am to 12.30pm)
  • Or by using the contact form


Mobility and transport department

Val de l'Eyre local authority

Val de l'Eyre local authority

On-demand transport department (ToD): book your journey at least 48h in advance.

Nouvelle Aquitaine regional council

Nouvelle Aquitaine regional council

Mobility and transport department

  • Tel.: +33(0)970 870 870
    Calls are free (Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm)
  • Or by using the contact form
SNCF Nouvelle Aquitaine regional trains

SNCF Nouvelle Aquitaine regional trains

  • Tel.: +33(0)800 872 872
    Calls are free from a fixed telephone (Monday to Friday 6.30am to 7.30pm)
  • Or by using the contact form
Arcachon Boat Operators' Union

Arcachon Boat Operators' Union

  • Tel.: +33(0)5 57 72 28 28
    Bilingual voicemail for the price of a local call (Monday to Friday 9am to 5.30pm out of season and Monday to Sunday 12pm in summer)
  • Or by using the contact form
Support and partners

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